Coming to Church
What to Expect?
Before the service we serve free refreshments from 10:10 and after the service too. Our gathering is the main meeting of the church during the week, and we expect about 30-40 adults plus children, including people from different nationalities. Together we enjoy a family atmosphere and experience:
We are grateful to God for what he has done, excited about his work in our lives and in awe of who he is. So we sing songs of worship, to him and one another, led by a band.
We want to understand God better and his purposes for our lives and his world. Someone gifted in understanding and communicating the Bible will talk for about 20 minutes about God, an aspect of life or other related issues.
We believe that God speaks to us through the Bible and through members of the congregation. So as we gather we are learning to listen to what God is saying to us and responding to him.
We believe that praying to a loving God changes situations and lives. So when we gather we pray asking him to change our lives and transform the world around us.