Values are like fingerprints, we leave them over everything we do…
Our Values
Big Family
Family matters to us, not just natural family, but spiritual family. To be healthy we all need to be part of something bigger and followers of Jesus should be part of his big family – the local church. Everyone belongs, everyone contributes and everyone grows.
Expansive Vision
God is outworking his big plan in history and we get to be part of it. So we have a big vision for his kingdom to come in every area of life – the workplace, the home, the nations, through social action, church planting and raising up leaders.
Courageous Discipleship
Following Jesus is a courageous commitment to follow him no matter what and through the power of the Spirit be shaped increasingly to be like Jesus. We express this through training our children, making new disciples and helping everyone grow to be like Jesus.
Spirit Filled
Each one of us needs the empowering of the Holy Spirit to help us! When we gather we expect the Spirit to be present, to lead us and speak to us through one another, the bible and spiritual gifts. We eagerly desire the spiritual gifts, as essential for life and mission.
Bible Believing
God has given us his wonderful book – the Bible. As an evangelical community, we believe that the bible is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We believe in culturally relevant preaching and application – to help us do what the bible says.
Servant Leadership
Jesus came to serve not to be served, our leadership must follow this model. We seek to grow Christ-like leaders through intentional discipleship and training. Any power that leaders have should be exercised for the good of others.
Worship & Prayer
The whole of our lives are to be lived as worship to God. When we gather we sing, because God has done so much for us and it is right to worship him. We also love to pray because it shows our deep need of him and when we pray things change.
Intentional Mission
God is on a mission in his world, to bring everyone to know him. He does this through the church: his people. We get to be involved and participate with him in what he is doing in the world. We want to demonstrate Jesus’ love to all we meet.
Gospel Community
The gospel isn’t just a message to hear, but what the church is to embody too. A healthy church shows what it is like to be in right relationship with God and right relationship with one another.Description goes here